About the CD Sing Your Way to Health, Wealth & Happiness
Sing Your Way to Health, Wealth & Happiness is a CD of singing affirmations. We use affirmations to change our old, negative thought patterns to new, positive, abundant thoughts that work for our good. It's been said that we are the sum total of our thoughts. So, if we don't like the way we are, it's essential to change the way we think. Affirmations are a positive, fun way to begin.
Some simple rules for the successful use of affirmations are:
1. Watch what you say. If you find yourself using negative, hopeless words to describe yourself, your life, or those around you, stop right there, and change the thought to a positive one. Remember, we become what we think about every day.
2. Affirmations work to the degree that you are willing to put energy into them. Don't mumble them down in your boots. Energise them. Say them. Sing them out loud. Revel in them. Express them joyfully and with conviction. It doesn't matter if you don't believe them at first. When you see them begin to work for you, you'll be convinced.
3. Be persistent. You've probably spent many years becoming the way you are. You've worked faithfully on yourself since childhood. Changing all that hard work isn't likely to be an overnight job. But remember the old saying, 'If you won't be beat, you can't be beat'. Persistence does pay off, with wonderful results. Give yourself half an hour of positive affirmations every day, and say them again as you go to sleep.
If you'd like to know more about affirmations, go to Why Use Affirmations. For Children's affirmations see Special As I Can BeI wish you a wonderful, positive, happy, healthy and successful life.
Anne Infante, Brisbane
Praise for Sing Your Way to Health, Wealth & Happiness
Thanks for your beautiful music. I borrowed ‘Sing Your Way to Health, Wealth & Happiness’. I enjoyed it so much I have now purchased a copy of it and ‘Special As I Can Be’. I just love them and sing along with them at the top of my voice whenever I am travelling in the car. My friend commented that I am even happy in my sleep as I hum them throughout the night. Your songs are carried with me day and night.
Thanks again for enriching my life with your beautiful music.
H.L., Toowoomba, Qld, AustraliaA friend in Brisbane gave me a copy of ‘Sing Your Way to Health, Wealth & Happiness’, which I have enjoyed very much – the tunes and words are so nice and easy to remember. I have found myself humming them at various times during the day. Thanks for the lyrics, too, a great help for people like myself who have some deafness.
B.L., Mt Waverley, Vic, AustraliaI’m sending you my tithing this week because I think your music is so wonderful. I’ve had ‘Sing Your Way to Health, Wealth & Happiness’ for a few years now – I’ve just started using it again regularly - and it gives me so much joy. Especially ‘Yes, I Am’ which I think is a stroke of genius. This song never fails to make me laugh.
Thank you so much for this music and the positive energy and healing that it brings.
R.S., Cambridge, UKI recently borrowed ‘Sing Your Way to Health, Wealth & Happiness' and enjoyed it so much I’d like to order a copy. The songs certainly brighten one’s day. You have such a cheerful, happy voice.
U.R., Berowra Hts, NSW, AustraliaThank you for making ‘Sing Your Way to Health, Wealth & Happiness’ as it has lifted my spirits on many down days.
R.H., Worongary, Qld, Australia
Where you can get Sing Your Way/Special As I Can Be/Love is a Circle
From Anne Infante
Tel: 61 7 3366 2248
Email: anne.infante@bigpond.com
Cost $25.00 (Outside Australia $30.00)
Includes postage/handling
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