Why Use Affirmations?

I have used positive affirmations for over twenty years and can vouch for their power to free us from habitual negative thought patterns. I believe we attract experiences into our lives by forming them first in our minds by repetitious thinking, then manifesting them as physical reality.

Our thoughts not only affect the health of our bodies but every aspect of our lives. Behind physical appearance is pure energy. Most of us don't have the ability to see energy fields but they exist nonetheless. And truly, like attracts like. On a subtle level of consciousness the thoughts, attitudes or energy we radiate daily attract similar experiences to us, whether we believe it or not.

We hold negative patterns in place by habitual dysfunctional thoughts, running these destructive tapes over and over in our minds hundreds of times a day.

'Who, me? I'm not much.' 'I'm not good enough.' 'I can't do it.' 'I'm stupid.' 'I'm too fat (thin, tall, short).' 'I'll never understand.' 'You can't teach an old dog new tricks.' 'I'm not attractive.' 'I don't have the education (degrees, experience, know-how, ability).' 'If they find out what I'm really like, they won't like me.'

The tragedy is that we become so accustomed to these thoughts we stop noticing them and we suppress the healthy inner protests that cry out against this constant silent verbal abuse until they are reduced to the tiniest whisper or cease altogether, defeated by overwhelming negative repetition. Eventually we accept the situation. 'Yes, that must be right. I guess I really am no good.'

Positive affirmations are an excellent way to record over these destructive tapes, imprinting them with healthy, self-enhancing messages that, after a time, begin to draw positive, empowering experiences into our lives. Our self-talk is vital to our well-being. It needs to be consciously monitored and any abusive inner messages firmly ejected as soon as they arise.

As a singer and songwriter, I enjoy building rhythm into my affirmations. It's a natural step to put them to music.

Singing affirmations is a potent way of using these positive self-enhancing statements. It prevents us mumbling them without meaning. It adds emotion, energy and pleasure and gives us a happy lift. As Martin Luther said, 'The devil does not stay where music is.'

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